Our offer
We implement comprehensive services in the area of the design, construction and maintenance of telecommunications and electro energetic cable networks.
In the area of telecommunication infrastructure we are providing complete solutions, including preparing infrastructure design, acquiring adequate…
Electrical installations
From the field of electricity infrastructure we offer comprehensive turn-key solutions from the production of project documentation,…
Geodetic services
We offer comprehensive geodetic services for natural and legal persons. We specialize in the following types of…
Mobile network
Building and upgrading base stations for the mobile telephony system are one of the stronger industries that…
Izgradnja optičnega omrežja za potrebe prvenstva na Pokljuki
Ministrstvo za obrambo RS
Izgradnja FTTH omrežja v mestu Celje
A1 Slovenija d.d.
Zaščita in prestavitev TK in KKS omrežja pri ureditvi MVSPN na državni cesti R3-752, odsek Bukovžlak – Teharje, od km 0,680 do km 2,125
VOC Celje d.d.
Izgradnja FTTN optičnih povezav med baznimi postajami A1 Maribor